It’s Been a Long Time…

It has been a really long time.  A lot can change in a few years; a lot that can be life changing. You wouldn’t think so but it can and sometimes does.  Have you ever really taken inventory of your life over a span of a few years?  If you haven’t then you really should.  I didn’t until recently.  It all began with looking back at some photos of our kids and then of myself and Brian. Which then lead me back to here, my beloved blog. Everyone always seems so surprised by growth, but shouldn’t you really be surprised with the time and where it gets lost?  Whether your moments are good or bad, they still slip by until you really look back.  What really stings is when you look at time in a small group of years and realize that so much has changed (much that you can not even remember happening) and much that changes your life and who you are. Time is precious. Hold on to each moment as well as all of the feelings that surround them. Stay present.  Always appreciate and have a grateful heart. Love deeply.


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